Saturday, May 9, 2009

Some Details!

Flight schedule:

June 2- Greensboro to Atlanta, 4:25 pm-5:51 pm
Atlanta to Johannesburg, 8:05 pm-5:10 pm (June 3)

Coming home:
August 5- Johannesburg to Atlanta, 9:05 pm-7:20 am (August 6)
Atlanta to Greensboro, 9:30 am-10:53 am


While I am there, I will be working 10-13 hour shifts helping to care for the babies by feeding, bathing, and playing with them, doing laundry, and helping out in the kitchen.

From what I understand, I will be working mainly at the Berea Baptist Church where 12 babies are kept. There are 2 other baby houses around the area that I will be traveling to as well. Below is a picture of the Berea Baptist Church.

It will be winter while I am in Johannesburg. The winters there are very mild with highs in the mid-60s and lows in the upper-30s to lower 40s. looks like I'm skipping summer. Those temperatures do not look bad at all compared to winters in Boone! Thank goodness!

I will keep you updated with details as I learn more!

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