Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hello from South Africa!

Internet has been difficult, so we apologize for this entry being so late. We wrote this last Thursday:

After a couple VERY long flights, we arrived in Johannesburg on Wednesday about 9:30 pm (S. Africa time). We spent Thursday getting settled into our room, unpacking, grocery shopping, and meeting some of the aunties and babies.

Katherine already knew many of the aunties from last summer, and they were all very excited to see her! No one shakes hands--just hugs! We all felt very welcomed.

On Thurday, we picked up the car. Driving on the wrong side of the road and the wrong side of the car! Of course, Katherine drove that day. She drove very well. Mom thought it felt like we were driving backwards.

Thursday afternoon, we spent a little time with some of the babies. Three of the babies were ones that were in small babies when Katherine was here last summer. She was excited to see them so big. We are looking forward to getting to know the babies and playing with them.

We have orientation Friday and work Saturday and Sunday. A work day is from 7am-6pm and includes bathing, feeding, changing, playing, helping with laundry, washing bottles, and anything else that comes up.

Mary, Katherine, Sandra

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